We offer three different lawn care treatment packages customized to meet the needs of all of our customers. All packages are aimed at treating our area’s two most popular kinds of grass, bermuda grass, and fescue. Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that is both heat and drought resistant. Called, “The South’s Grass” due to its resistance to heat and drought, bermuda grass is the preferred choice for Georgian sports fields and athletic turfs.
Fescue is a cool-season grass that grows most vigorously during spring and fall months. It is valued for its adaptability to a wide range of climates and its tolerances for cold, heat, drought and shade.
Each of our three packages is customized to treat both warm-season and cool-season grasses. Each one includes a pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide, lawn fertilization, and lime treatment application. The lime treatment application is used to balance out the acid in your soil, bringing it back to its normal pH levels. Listed below, we explain the different processes involved regarding warm-season vs. cool-season grasses. All of our chemicals contain high-quality ingredients that are both safe and effective at ensuring your lawn is healthy, weed, and pest free.